Looking for friendship, action, adventure, fun, excitement & discovery?

1st Northbridge Scout Group provides fun youth development activities, building resilience and confidence in ages 8 to 18 in the Cub Scout, Scout and Venturer Scout Sections. We also welcome adult volunteer Scout Leaders.

Scouts have opportunities for the whole family to be involved. Everyone is welcome and we value the diversity of our members. We offer fun activities for members on different evenings throughout the week, as well as optional weekend and holiday activities.

  • Cub Scouts (8-11 years old): Wednesday 6:30 – 8:00 pm

  • Scouts (11-14 years old): Friday 6:30 – 8:30 pm

  • Venturer Scouts (14-18 years old): Monday 7:00 – 9:00 pm
There are no upcoming programs.
There are no upcoming events.
Parent volunteers are the backbone of a successful and thriving Scouting group. We already have a large number of parent volunteers either as leaders or in administration on the committee, but we still have a few committee positions to fill. · Read more
A group of 1st Northbridge Scouts tested their hiking and camping skills in very wet conditions in May, strengthening friendships in the process. · Read more
Meet the Leader
08 May 2024
We sat down for a chat with Michael Semark - newly trained Leader of the 1st Northbridge Cubs · Read more