
Meet the Leader

Published Wed 08 May 2024

How did you get involved with the Group?

Like many adults entering Scouting, it was my daughter Zoe who was keen to get involved. She had a couple of close friends already in the 1st Northbridge Group and they were having so much fun. However due to high interest the quickest way in was for me to put myself forward as a Trainee Cub Scout Leader. This was the only incentive I needed and I was very happy to join in the fun and learning. 

What prompted you to train as a Leader?

I remembered all the fun I had as a Cub Scout in England some 45 years ago and was keen that Zoe experience the same outdoor experience. Also, it builds on my existing knowledge of bushcraft, Scuba diving, walking and navigating, as well as giving me the opportunity to learn new skills, such as kayaking, sailing and abseiling. 

Did you notice any unexpected benefits of the training?

The scouting training is first class. I was very impressed with not only the online training modules but also the weekend training camps and activities. I got to know and build new friendships in the local area and indeed across the region. It also gave me the opportunity to test and brush up on knowledge that I had learnt many years ago, as well as learning new skills, and it’s all free as a trainee scouting leader. 

What have you been enjoying since becoming  a Leader?

The nice thing about being part of a wider leadership team is that we share the load, so I don't feel that it's all on my shoulders. We have a number of very experienced and long serving leaders and parent helpers. 

Helping to design the term schedule of activities, help the scouts develop their leadership skills and see them develop confidence and learn new skills is the biggest reward I can hope for. Seeing your child and other children work together as a team to achieve success, and support each other when things don't go so well, are skills that are needed in all areas of life. As my late Dad would say it's "character building."

Tell us about your involvement in scouts when you were younger…

I was a very active and proud Scout in the UK. In fact, my mother was the village troop leader, so I had to be on my best behaviour or I would be sent home (which happened a couple of times). I look back fondly on my time in Scouting and the adventures we had. It helped me build the mental and physical strengths that I have drawn on throughout my life. It also developed in me a love for all things outdoors and a strong sense of community.

How do you spend your time when you're not helping kids to be their best selves at 1st Northbridge?

I have a number of interests, including exploring different walks in and around Sydney with my wife Ruth and Zoe. Also, I am a keen Triathlete and a member of Balmoral Triathlon Club, and cycling with my friends on a Sunday morning. I’m also a long serving Board Director of a wonderful children's charity - Little Wings, which transfers sick kids to their hospital appointments across Regional NSW, ACT and now QLD. 

Interested in becoming a 1st Northbridge Leader? Contact
